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Beeswax/halloysite microparticles embedded within a geopolymeric layer for the protective coating of steel

  • Authors: Calvino, MM; Lisuzzo, L; Cavallaro, G; Lazzara, G; Pipitone, C; Giannici, F
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


A halloysite-based geopolymer filled with microwax particles was designed as a protective layer on steel substrates. Beeswax microparticles were obtained from the clay stabilized Pickering emulsions and they were homogeneously dispersed within the geopolymeric network, thus improving the coating physico-chemical properties. Specifically, this treatment changed the steel's wettability by increasing its hydrophobicity. Moreover, XRF analysis was conducted in order to have details on the chemical compositions.