Curriculum vitae
Professor Giuseppe Lombardo takes degree in Aeronautic Engineering at "Università degli Studi di Palermo" in 1985, and in the same year take the enabling to practise as engineer. He was employed in 1986 at Agusta (Cascina Costa, VA) in the Military Helicopters Project Directorate and was liable to the gas turbine installation on helicopters and to the digital process and display of engine parameters. In 1987 he was employed in Aeritalia (Torino, TO), today called Alenia, and under the Combat Aircraft Project Directorate he worked in the "Safety, Reliability and Maintenability Working Group" for EFA (European Fighter Aircraft) with liability in propulsion. Between 1988 - 1990 he was Lieutenant in the Genio dell'Aeronautica Militare where he was the head of the aircraft maintenance quality control and he did a research activity on the ageing of the GE J79 turbojet. Since 1990 he works at "Università degli Studi di Palermo". In 1991 he engaged in a research stage of six months at "Dipartimento di Meccanica ed Aeronautica dell'Università La Sapienza di Roma", that gave him the opportunity to apply laser doppler anemometry and spectral analysis of optical signals techniques. Between 1993-1995 he attended different courses about aeronautic and space propulsion at von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Bruxelles. In 1997 he obtained a funding for a research program about a satellitar multimotor propulsive system from European Union FAPS commission (Facility for Aerothermodynamic and Propulsion Studies). He was accepted to Large-Scale Facilities comunitary program, thanks to a CNES co-financing, and he directed a sperimental research on multi-thrusters working in vacuum tunnels at Aerothermique laboratory in Paris for one year. Since 1998 to 2000 he was engaged to a complex system diagnostic workgroup at IRISA (Institut pour la Recherche en Informatique et systèmes aleatoires) for CNRS and INSA in Rennes, where he worked on engine condition monitoring and on complex system diagnostics for space and aeronautic propulsors, with the liability to integrate nonlinear and unsteady propulsor models with intelligent systems. Associate Professor in the disciplinary scientific department of Aerospace Propulsion, since ten years teaches about Aerospace Propulsion and Aerospace Propulsors at "Università degli Studi di Palermo". His research activity, in the last five years, concerns the formulation and development of models for the nonlinear analysis of combustion instability in the solid rocket motors. Recently he has suggested and implemented new alternative and orginal methods for the nonlinear and unsteady analysis in the controllable rocket motors.