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Research Area

Active Research fields

1) Generalized Linear Mixed Modelsi: methodological developments

2) Mediation Analysis: generalisations of the Causal Inference and the Path Analysis approaches to non-Gaussian variables and  non-linear relationships

3) Models and measures for Multiple Phenotypes Concomitance (Concomitanza di Fenotipi Multipli) in epidemiology

Research projects of the last 5 years

Statistical methods for spatio-temporal data applied to environmental analysis, monitoring and prediction.

Research project funded by University of Palermo - 2012 - Codice di Ateneo 2012-ATE-0332


Over the past three years, a scientific collaboration has been active with the Biostatistics Unit of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health in Basel (Switzerland)

Active research

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