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Speciale grano duro. Dettaglio regionale dei risultati 2022. Sicilia

  • Authors: Virzì N.; Licciardello S.; Sciacca F.; Palumbo M.; Frenda A.S.; Ingraffia R.; Lo Porto A.; Anastasi U.; Salafia L.; Randazzo B.; Pecchioni N.
  • Publication year: 2022
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


Under the coordination of CREA, the activity of agronomic and qualitative evaluation and characterization of durum wheat varieties continued in Sicily as part of the National Variety Comparison Network. Experimental fields were set up in four different Sicilian environments. The experimentation conducted in the 2021-2022 season involved 30 varieties, of which 7 were in their first year of evaluation, 6 cultivars in their second year of testing, and 17 varieties that had been tested for over 2 years. The average yield in the Sicilian area was 6.13 t/ha, and the production results recorded in the different test environments appear to be significantly influenced by weather conditions, particularly with regard to water availability during the winter and spring seasons.