A New Device for the Control and the Connection to the Grid of Combined RES-based Generators and Electric Storage Systems
- Authors: Ippolito, M G; Telaretti, E; Zizzo, G; Graditi, G
- Publication year: 2013
- Type: Proceedings
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/80508
In this paper a new device for the control and the connection to the supply utility grid of combined RES-based generators and electric storage systems is presented. The device is a bidirectional converter that can be controlled so as to facilitate the interface between the low voltage grid and photovoltaic or wind generators combined with batteries, contemporary addressing the requirements of the reference technical standards for users connection and providing different ancillary services. In the paper the functioning of the device and its circuit diagram are described, the single parts are shown and the potentiality of its control system are commented.