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Can biomechanical analysis shed some light on aneurysmal pathophysiology? Preliminary study on ex vivo cerebral arterial walls


Background: The pathophysiology of cerebral aneurysm is complex and poorly understood, and it can have the most catastrophic clinical presentation. Flow dynamics is a key player in the initiation and progression of aneurysm. Better understanding the interaction between hemodynamic loading and biomechanical wall responses can help to add the missing piece on aneurysmal pathophysiology. In this laboratory study we aimed to analyze the effect of the application of a mechanical force to cerebral arterial walls. Methods: Displacement control tests were performed on five porcine cerebral arteries. The test machine was the T150 Nanotensile. The stiffness variation with the increment of the strain level is modeled as the outcome of an isotropic hyperelastic material model. Findings: Through the application of an axial force we obtained Stress/Strain curves that showed a marked isotropic hyperelastic behavior, characterized by an increasing of stiffness with the level of strain. This behavior of the cerebral arterial wall is different from the well-established behavior of other arterial vessel (as the aortic vessel) characterized by a marked anisotropic behavior. Additionally, the data scattering observed for higher values of the applied stress are related to different individual packing of collagen fibers that represent the load-bearing mechanics at higher level of the strain. Interpretation: The data obtained by test in this paper represent a first step in our ongoing research about the mechanics of multi-axial loads on cerebral arterial walls, and in producing more comprehensive patient-specific calculations for potential applications on cerebral aneurysm management.