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Curriculum and Research


Curriculum not available


Date Title Type Record
2024 Dynamics of Water-Soluble Metals in Soil Moistened with Citrus Wastewaters Depends on Soil Reaction and Organic Acids Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Growth, yield and oil quality of adult pedestrian olive orchards grown at four different planting systems Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Anti-Listeria activity of citrus essential oils in a fresh ovine cheese Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Recovery and genotyping ancient Sicilian monumental olive trees Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Low Tree Vigor, Free Palmette Training Form and High Planting Density Increase Olive and Oil Yield Efficiency in Dry, Sloping Areas of Mediterranean Regions Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Influence of Citrus Essential Oils on the Microbiological, Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Primosale Cheese Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Wastewaters from citrus processing industry as natural biostimulants for soil microbial community Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 ATR-FTIR chemical screening for adulterants and sugar characterisation in honeys eedings Go to
2019 Preliminary studies of geochemical tools to traceability of Sicilian honey eedings Go to
2019 Herbicidal activity of Citrus limon essential oil extracted from Sicilian lemon industry eedings Go to
2018 Influenza della tecnica di estinzione pirolitica sulla capacità di campo di due biochar eedings Go to
2018 Utilizzo di traccianti geochimici nella Limonicoltura Siciliana. eedings Go to
2018 Herbicidal activity of essential oils extracted from different Eucalyptus and Citrus species against Avena fatua eedings Go to
2018 Phytotoxic potential of Citrus essential oils on weed species eedings Go to
2017 Effetti dell’applicazione in post emergenza degli oli essenziali di eucalipto sulle piante infestanti e sulla comunità microbica del suolo eedings Go to
2017 Improvement of physical, chemical and biochemical proprieties of a salt affected Alfisol by addition of biochar and gypsum eedings Go to
2017 Distribution of REEs in soil-citrus limon system(L.) Osbeck eedings Go to
2017 Effetti degli oli essenziali di agrumi applicati in post-emergenza sul controllo delle infestanti e sulla comunità microbica del suolo eedings Go to
2017 Soil bioindicators and weed emergence as affected by essential oils extracted from leaves of three different Eucalyptus species eedings Go to
2017 Effects of Citrus essential oils on weed emergence and on soil microorganisms eedings Go to