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CircumMed Pine Forest Database: an electronic archive for Mediterranean and Submediterranean pine forest vegetation data

  • Authors: Gianmaria, Bonari; Knollová, Ilona; Vlčková, Pavla; Xystrakis, Fotios; Çoban, Süleyman; Sağlam, Coşkun; Didukh, Yakiv P.; Hennekens, Stephan M.; Acosta, Alicia T.R.; Angiolini, Claudia; Bergmeier, Erwin; Bertacchi, Andrea; Costa, José C.; Fanfarillo, Emanuele; Gigante, Daniela; Guarino, Riccardo; Landi, Marco; Neto, Carlos S.; Pesaresi, Simone; Rosati, Leonardo; Selvi, Federico; Sotiriou, Alexandros; Stinca, Adriano; Turcato, Claudia; Tzonev, Rossen; Viciani, Daniele; Chytrý, Milan
  • Publication year: 2019
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


Large thematic databases of vegetation plots are increasingly needed for vegetation studies and biodiversity research. In this paper, we present the CircumMed Pine Forest Database (GIVD ID: EU-00-026), which in November 2018, comprised records from 6317 pine-dominated vegetation plots (relevés) and associated vegetation types from 20 countries of the Mediterranean Basin, Near East and Crimea. These vegetation plots were collected through a detailed literature search for plots not previously included in the European Vegetation Archive (EVA), in order to fill geographic gaps in data coverage. The database comprises Mediterranean (including Oromediterranean) pine-forest vegetation plots from both published and unpublished sources. All vegetation plots are georeferenced, although coordinates vary in accuracy. The database is accessible through EVA or from its Custodian. We anticipate the CircumMed Pine Forest Database will be a valuable resource for various types of broad-scale studies in the fields of vegetation classification, plant invasion ecology, macroecology and biological conservation. Abbreviations: EU = European Union; EVA = European Vegetation Archive; EVS = European Vegetation Survey; GIVD = Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases.