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Reinforced concrete dapped-end beams for existing bridges: Reliability of finite element models

  • Autori: Flores Ferreira K.; Rampini M.C.; Belletti B.; Calcavecchia B.; Camata G.; D'Angela D.; Di Salvatore C.; Di Stefano N.; Faccin E.; Ferretti D.; Granata M.F.; Iavarone F.; La Mendola L.; Magliulo G.; Martinelli P.; Menichini G.; Messina D.; Minelli F.; Orlando M.; Plizzari G.; Ravasini S.; Recupero A.; Spacone E.; Spinella N.; Tuozzo F.; Zani G.; di Prisco M.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2025
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


Half-joints in reinforced concrete girder bridges are generally considered critical elements, susceptible to degradation and potentially impacting the overall structural behavior. An Italian project carried out by ReLUIS interuniversity consortium addresses theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies on critical aspects of existing road bridges. One task is aimed at investigating existing half-joints. The paper offers a comprehensive assessment of finite element numerical simulations applied to a reinforced concrete dapped-end beam through an Italian benchmark study. Leveraging recent experimental campaign data as a reference, the study conducts partially blind numerical simulations. The benchmark procedure follows a systematic approach across three subsequent phases. Emphasizing the comparison between experimental data and numerical simulations, the paper introduces discrete and continuous error indicators to gauge numerical prediction efficacy across phases. Global synthetic indices are proposed to measure performance at serviceability and ultimate limit states. The discussion section integrates insights from eight research units, presenting a comprehensive analysis of simulation outcomes. Conclusive remarks outline implications and potential research directions in the realm of reinforced concrete dapped-end girder bridges.