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The ECHR Condemns Prison Overcrowding in Italy: The Total Reorganization of the Institution and the Social Reintegration of the Prisoner


This contribution analyses the current Italian prison system, which has been called upon to resolve its structural problems. In 2013, The Council of Europe condemned Italy for inhuman treatment in its prisons. The principal accusation concerns the problem of overcrowding. The country has responded with solutions such as the application of the open system, which provides cells that are used exclusively for sleeping in at night, and dynamic monitoring, an effective system for ensuring order in the institutions. These initiatives aim to promote re-educational activities and the social re-integration of prisoners. In addition, Italian institutions have made greater use of alternatives to custodial penalties in order to tackle overcrowding and to provide more opportunities for re-integration. This contribution focuses on the need to increase prisoners’ employment opportunities. In fact, Italy seems to have neglected this area, which is fundamental for re-integration into the community sphere.