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Presentazione dell’edizione italiana di storia della Sicilia da Odisseo ai giorni nostri di Jean-Yves Frétigné


Published for the first time in 2009, for the Fayard types, and re-edited in 2018 in a "pocket" format, this History of Sicily by Jean-Yves Frétigné, with the subtitle from Odysseus to the present day, presented to the French public as an easy consultation, a "Compagnon de voyage" destined to have an excellent editorial success with over 8,000 copies sold.The Italian translation presented here does not have the presumption of concurring with the monumental works of the history of Sicily which constitute an essential reference by the same Author, as the rich bibliography in the appendix to the volume clearly testifies. Rather, it intends to offer, in just over 400 pages, the “external” look on Sicily of a French historian, as Finley, Mack Smith, Duggan or Norwich have done in the past.