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Monocyte distribution width (MDW) as a screening tool for early detecting sepsis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Authors: Agnello, Luisa; Vidali, Matteo; Lo Sasso, Bruna; Giglio, Rosaria Vincenza; Gambino, Caterina Maria; Scazzone, Concetta; Ciaccio, Anna Maria; Bivona, Giulia; Ciaccio, Marcello
  • Publication year: 2022
  • Type: Review essay (rassegna critica)
  • OA Link:


Objectives: Monocyte distribution has recently emerged as a promising biomarker of sepsis, especially in acute setting, such as Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit. This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of monocyte distribution width (MDW) for early detecting patients with sepsis by performing a systemic review and meta-analysis of published studies. Methods: Relevant publications were identified by a systematic literature search on PubMed and Google Scholar from inception to September 07, 2021. Studies were divided into two groups based on the sepsis criteria applied, namely sepsis-2 or sepsis-3. Results: Ten studies including 9,475 individuals, of whom 1,370 with sepsis (742 according Sepsis-2 and 628 according to Sepsis-3), met the inclusion criteria for our meta-analysis. The pooled sensitivity and specificity were 0.789 and 0.777 for Sepsis-2 criteria, 0.838 and 0.704 for Sepsis-3 criteria. Conclusions: MDW represents a reliable biomarker for sepsis screening.