The primary objective of "OAC: my goal" is to create awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity for cancer patients and thus to effectively enhance their times of physical activity. Physical activity during therapy and in aftercare of cancer patients shows versatile positive effects, not only on physiological functions, fatigue, depressed mood, quality of life (reducing side effects and improving self esteem), but also on survival and mortality risk. The project thus, focuses on the higher participation of patients and cancer survivors in sports and especially in outdoor activities and events in nature.
Another goal is the social inclusion of cancer patients, offering different outdoor sport courses including Nordic Walking, Circle Training, Pilates, Functional Training, especially for those living in seclusion because of their changed self-perception associated with the disease. Finally, voluntary activities with cancer patients in outdoor sports will be promoted as the access to sports with these patients is still lacking. The situation is even worse in some countries as the lack of knowledge leads to no offers for the patients. The project is therefore designed to achieve the following objectives:
- Gain easier access to and facilitate participation in outdoor sporting activities for the cancer patients and survivors to benefit from positive health-related effects.
- Generate evidence-based knowledge about the situation of cured cancer patients regarding access, participation and volunteering in special physical activities in aftercare by summarizing information about the latest findings on the field of beneficial effects of outdoor sport activities on cancer.
- Spread out knowledge and insights gained to encourage patients to get rid of their own barriers and to participate in outdoor activities and integrate those health-related exercise programs in European cities (EU Physical Activity Guidelines, Guideline 12)
- Develop an online catalogue with specific training tools that enable people who would initiate and offer outdoor activities for cancer patients to have concrete exercises in different levels of difficulty.
- Generate a European community and network for cancer patients with the aim of informing themselves about (outdoor) sports.
Project period: January 01, 2019 to December 31, 2020
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