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Solid state recycling operations for AA7075

  • Autori: Han C.; Simonetto E.; Ghiotti A.; Bruschi S.; Latif A.; Ingarao G.; Micari F.; Fratini L.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
  • Tipologia: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


Solid-state recycling offers a sustainable solution characterized by low energy consumption and heightened product efficiency compared to conventional melting-based methods. Among these, Friction Stir Extrusion processes emerge as an innovative and promising category within solid-state recycling, showcasing the ability to directly repurpose machining chips into solid products. However, as these processes primarily yield semi-finished products -typically in the form of wires, rods, or small billets- subsequent post-recycling forming processes become imperative for achieving net-shape or near-net-shape components. Consequently, a thorough evaluation of the mechanical properties of materials derived from solid-state processes is essential for ensuring the dependable design of process chains. This paper focuses on the calibration of constitutive parameters for raw materials obtained from aluminium chips within a novel process chain rooted in solid-state recycling operations. Cylindrical billets, resulting from friction stir consolidation (FSC), are tested in compressive conditions and investigated with respected of processing conditions to obtain ultra-fined grained materials through sever plastic deformation processes