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Golden tomato juice enhances hepatic PPAR-α expression, mitigates metabolic dysfunctions and influences redox balance in a high-fat diet rat model

  • Autori: Danila Di Majo,Nicolò Ricciardi, Alessandra Moncada, Mario Allegra, Monica Frinchi, Valentina Di Liberto, Rosa Pitonzo, Francesca Rappa, Filippo Saiano, Filippo Vetrano, Alessandro Miceli, Giuseppe Giglia, Giuseppe Ferraro, Pierangelo Sardo, Giuditta Gambino
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


Golden tomato (GT), harvested at veraison stage, has gained attention due to its rich content of bioactive compounds and potential health benefits. Previous studies have highlighted GT’s antioxidant properties and its positive effects on metabolic syndrome (MetS), a condition characterized by obesity, dyslipidemia, and oxidative stress. This study investigates for the first time a derivative from GT, i.e. the juice (GTJ), which could be a potential candidate for development as a functional food. We first characterized GT juice, identifying 9-oxo-10(E),12(E)-octadecadienoic (9-oxo-10(E),12(E)-ODA) fatty acid, a known peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR-α) agonist, using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectrometry. Then, using a high-fat diet (HFD) rat model we assessed the impact of daily GT juice supplementation in addressing MetS. We outlined that GTJ improved body weight and leptin-mediated food intake. Moreover, it ameliorated glucose tolerance, lipid profile, systemic redox homeostasis, hepatic oxidative stress and steatosis in HFD rats. Furthermore, GT juice enhances hepatic transcription of PPAR-α, thus putatively promoting fatty acid oxidation and lipid metabolism. These findings suggest that GT juice mitigates lipidic accumulation and halters oxidative species at the hepatic level, putatively through PPAR-α activation. Our study underscores the protective effects of GT juice against MetS, highlighting its future potential as a nutraceutical for improving dysmetabolism and associated alterations.