D.1.1.2 e la sua portata nel contesto del liber singularis enchiridii
- Authors: Giuseppe Falcone
- Publication year: 2023
- Type: Articolo in rivista
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/621479
The Author conjectures that the text preserved in Pomp. l. sing. ench. D. 1.1.2: Veluti erga deum religio: ut parentibus et patriae pareamus is a residue of a contraposition between ius gentium (or ius naturale?) and ius civile, enunciated among the initial passages of Pomponius’ didactic discourse and preceded, probably, by a review of the meanings of the term ‘ius’; and that after this contraposition, a specific teaching on ius civile = ius civitatis would begin: first with an articulate historical introduction (the well-known excursus of D. 1.2.2) and then with an illustration of concrete institutes and disciplines of private law.