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On basins of attraction for a predator-prey model via meshless approximation


Abstract. In this work an epidemiological predator-prey model is studied. It analyzes the spread of an infectious disease with frequency-dependent and vertical transmission within the predator population. In particular we consider social predators, i.e. they cooperate in groups to hunt. The result is a three-dimensional system in which the predator population is divided into susceptible and infected individuals. Studying the dynamical system and bifurcation diagrams, a scenario was identified in which the model shows multistability but the domain of attraction of one equilibrium point can be so small that it is almost the point itself. From a biological point of view it is important to analyze this e↵ect in order to understand under which conditions the population goes extinct or survives. Thus we present a study to analyze the basins of attraction of the stable equilibrium points. This paper addresses the question of finding the point lying on the surface which partitions the phase plane. Therefore a meshless approach has been adopted to produce an approximation of the separatrix manifold.