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A Fuzzy inference expert system to support the decision of deploying a military naval unit to a mission

  • Authors: Certa, A; Aiello, G; Enea, M
  • Publication year: 2009
  • Type: Proceedings
  • Key words: fuzzy inference, decision support system, mission reliabilityi
  • OA Link:


Naval military units are complex systems required to operate in xed time frames in o shore tasks where maintenance operations are drastically limited. A failure during a mission is a critical event that can drastically in uence the mission success. The decision of switching a unit to a mission hence requires complex judgments involving information about the health status of machineries and the environmental conditions. The present procedure aims to support the decision about switching a unit to a mission considering the vagueness and uncertainty of information by means of fuzzy theory and emulates the decision process of a human expert by means of a rule-based inference engine. A numerical application is presented to prove the e ectiveness of the approach.