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A Procedure for the Producibility Curve Identification of a Dish-Stirling Plant, Starting from Experimental Data

  • Authors: Cipriani G.; Ciulla G.; Di Dio V.; Dos Santos Nunes J.; Chiaruzzi C.; Bongiorno M.; Larson G.
  • Publication year: 2019
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


This article presents a procedure for the producibility curve identification of a dish-Stirling plant, starting from experimental data. The producibility data was measured, recorded, analysed, filtered and monthly aggregated. Moreover, the incidence of the ambient temperature and of the mirrors cleaning on producibility data is highlighted and a procedure to normalize the measured data in temperature and cleaning level was developed. To provide a validation of the developed procedure the producibility curves at 25 °C have been obtained and compared with the one issued by the manufacturer. The two curves are in good agreement, presenting a maximum deviation of the 7 %.