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MAXI J1957+032: a new accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar in an ultra-compact binary

  • Authors: A Sanna; P Bult; M Ng; P S Ray; G K Jaisawal; L Burderi; T. Di Salvo; A Riggio; D Altamirano; T E Strohmayer; A Manca; K C Gendreau; D Chakrabarty; W Iwakiri; R Iaria
  • Publication year: 2022
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


The detection of coherent X-ray pulsations at similar to 314 Hz (3.2 ms) classifies MAXI J1957+032 as a fast-rotating, accreting neutron star. We present the temporal and spectral analysis performed using NICER observations collected during the latest outburst of the source. Doppler modulation of the X-ray pulsation revealed the ultra-compact nature of the binary system characterized by an orbital period of similar to 1 h and a projected semimajor axis of 14 lt-ms. The neutron star binary mass function suggests a minimum donor mass of 1.7 x10(-2) M-circle dot, assuming a neutron star mass of 1.4 M-circle dot and a binary inclination angle lower than 60 deg. This assumption is supported by the lack of eclipses or dips in the X-ray light curve of the source. We characterized the 0.5-10 keV energy spectrum of the source in outburst as the superposition of a relatively cold black-body-like thermal emission compatible with the emission from the neutron star surface and a Comptonization component with photon index consistent with a typical hard state. We did not find evidence for iron K alines or reflection components.