Beyond the screen
- Authors: Margagliotta, A; De Marco, P; Álvarez Barrena, S
- Publication year: 2021
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio
- OA Link:
The didactic experiences in the field of architectural design, in courses that have always had a strong workshop character, have been varied in recent years and have been carried out in different variants that, when considered as a whole, allow us to reflect on the problems and the challenges faced during the pandemic. Indeed, a didactic normally conducted with compulsory attendance suffered in a sudden andunexpected way from the cancellation of physical presence, the loss of contact with people and the “corporeality” of the project. Moreover, the absence of the physical space of the classroom (a scene inherent to the laboratory) soon led to the search for new tools and appropriate methods that must adapt to constantly changing situations, depending on the progress of the pandemic, transposing everything behind a screen. These experiences confirm that despite the technical-technological progress that also affects the world of design teaching, it is necessary to keep the cornerstones of architecture clear, as the method cannot ignore thinking and the concreteness of doing, since architecture is always experiential and not media.