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Simplified Hybrid PD Model in Voids: Pattern Validation


The purpose of the present work is to show the validation of a new model to simulate the physical phenomenon of partial discharge (PD) produced in air voids inside insulating epoxy resin. The model has been developed on the basis of a new approach that combines the known circuit model of three capacitors with a model used to describe the behavior of the ionized channel inside of the inclusion during the discharge phenomenon, short-circuiting the capacity that represents the void. The approach is based on time-variable conductance of the void, subjected to multistress conditions: voltage, temperature and pressure. The new approach has been developed from a time variable conductivity model used for the study of the discharge with dielectric barrier (DBD). The different parameters which influence the discharge phenomenon in the void are taken into account through an approach in which a lumped circuit is used to simulate the effects of global PD asset. The results of the multiple simulations have been compared with experimental and simulated behaviors found in the literature on the subject.