The hydrophilie of the larval test of Ascidiae: functional role played by test cells
- Publication year: 2012
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio (Capitolo o saggio)
- Key words: ascidian larvae; ultrastructure; cytochemical study
- OA Link:
Ascidian swimming larvae are entirely surrounded by a hyaline extracellular coat, called as tunic or test, on which numerous test cells adhere. The functional role played by test cells in larvae of various ascidian species consists in depositing submicroscopic structures known as ornaments and/or substances of proteoglycan nature in the larval test surface. The deposition of ornaments would render the larval test hydrophilic and thus allow the larvae to swim being immersed in sea water. Ultrastructural investigations reported in literature on larvae of Cionidae and Ascididae families have not evidenced the presence of ornaments in the swimming larval test. For these Ascididae families it has been hypothesized that test cells secrete an amorphous substance that would let them to adhere to larval tunic. In order to clarify the functional role played by test cells of swimming larvae of the Ascididae family, ultrastructural and cytochemical investigations have been carried out on test cells of Ascidia malaca swimming larvae. The ultrastructural observations have evidenced that these cells are metabolically active and show an amoeboidic behaviour as they mainly adhere to the surface of the test. Their cytoplasm is characterized by the presence of a Golgi and large granules that gradually empty their contents and release the same on the test surface. The cytochemical investigastions carried out at ultrastructural level have evidenced that the substances secreted by test cells and deposited on the larval test consisting of glycosaminoglycans. According to the data reported in literature the results of the present investigations confirm that the deposition of glycosaminoglycans enables the adhesion of test cells on the surface of larval tunic and would render the Ascidia malaca larva hydrophilic and able to swim being immersed in sea water.