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Resolving a guanine-quadruplex structure in the SARS-CoV-2 genome through circular dichroism and multiscale molecular modeling

  • Authors: D'Anna L.; Miclot T.; Bignon E.; Perricone U.; Barone G.; Monari A.; Terenzi A.
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


The genome of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is made up of a single-stranded RNA fragment that can assume a specific secondary structure, whose stability can influence the virus's ability to reproduce. Recent studies have identified putative guanine quadruplex sequences in SARS-CoV-2 genome fragments that are involved in coding for both structural and non-structural proteins. In this contribution, we focus on a specific G-rich sequence referred to as RG-2, which codes for the non-structural protein 10 (Nsp10) and assumes a guanine-quadruplex (G4) arrangement. We provide the secondary structure of RG-2 G4 at atomistic resolution by molecular modeling and simulation, validated by the superposition of experimental and calculated electronic circular dichroism spectra. Through both experimental and simulation approaches, we have demonstrated that pyridostatin (PDS), a widely recognized G4 binder, can bind to and stabilize RG-2 G4 more strongly than RG-1, another G4 forming sequence that was previously proposed as a potential target for antiviral drug candidates. Overall, this study highlights RG-2 as a valuable target to inhibit the translation and replication of SARS-CoV-2, paving the way towards original therapeutic approaches against emerging RNA viruses.Parallel or hybrid? A combination of multiscale molecular modeling and circular dichroism is used to predict a G-quadruplex structure at atomistic resolution in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.