Gino Dardanelli is an Associate Professor in Geomatics, at the Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, where he graduated in Civil Transport Engineering in 2000. He obtained his PhD in 2006 in Geodetic and Topographical Sciences at the University of Naples Parthenope. His research activity is focused on the following topics: GNSS systems for networks of permanent stations, integration between GPS-Glonass-Galileo-Beidou, Open Source WebGis, structural monitoring with GPS and traditional techniques, topographic and laser scanning survey techniques, high-resolution satellite images, development of MMS systems, cadastral mapping applications, time series analysis of geodetic data. With reference to these research works, he has produced more than 110 publications, some of which he presented at national and international seminars and congresses. Editorial Board: Geographia Technica, Survey Review, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information MDPI, Civil Engineering Journal (C.E.J), Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciencese, Remote Sensing MDPI.