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Specificità religioso cultuali dell’intesa


Thirty years ago, at the height of the first “season of the Intese”, authoritative voices expressed trepidation at the multiplication of pactional texts. Animating them were ‘an- cient’ (and of glorious cultural ancestry) notions of state, sovereignty and legal order, which demanded a conditional and cautious opening. Meanwhile, mounting macro-factors (sovereignty conceived increasingly ‘beyond the state’; the increased focus on “other” law) gradually helped to placate them, with consequent openings of the “pactional Leg- islator” (in particular) towards the specific features of the religion and worship aspects. The concurrent influence of better-defined internal coordinates has recently contributed to the development of a trend consistent with these openings, apparently matured in the sign of greater attention to the confessional identity proprium: the Intesa of 2019 seems to provide, in this regard, various (more or less evident) confirmations