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Slope threshold for overland flow resistance on sandy soils


Recent research on rill flows recognised that an 18% slope can be used to distinguish between ‘gentle’ and ‘steep’ slope cases for the detected differences in hydraulic (flow depth and velocity) and sediment transport variables (flow transport capacity, actual sediment load). The effects of slope on flow velocity, friction factor and transport capacity and their interactions affect process-based erosion modelling. The main aim of this paper is to investigate, for the first time, how slope affects the overland flow resistance on sandy soils, which are characterised by loose particles readily available to be transported and deposited. Using literature measurements carried out in sandy soils for both gentle and steep slopes, a theoretical overland flow resistance equation, based on the integration of the power velocity distribution, is tested. The relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the channel slope, the Reynolds and Froude number is calibrated using measurements characterized by a wide range of hydraulic conditions and distinguishing between gentle (5.2%–13.2%) and steep (17.4%–42.3%) slope conditions. The analysis demonstrated that: (1) the parameter Γ can be accurately estimated by Equation (15) in which the exponents are independent of slope condition; (2) the coefficient a of Equation (15) is equal to 0.8750 and 0.8984 for the gentle and steep slope condition, respectively; (3) the estimations of the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor f (Equation 19) are accurate and characterised by errors less than or equal to ±5% for 97.2% of cases; and (4) in the range of steep slopes, the flow resistance law calibrated for the gentle slope condition (Equation (19) with a = 0.8750) systematically overestimates the f value. In conclusion, this study allowed the recognition, for an unlimited soil detachment condition and an overland flow, of how the energy dissipation processes and the estimate of the friction factor are affected by slope. Highlights: A theoretical overland flow resistance law is tested by data obtained on sandy soils. Differences between gentle and steep slope conditions are investigated. The Darcy–Weisbach friction factor estimate by the flow resistance law is accurate. The law calibrated for gentle slopes overestimates f in the range of steep slopes.