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Architecture 3.0: Digital Transition in Construction. H-BIM implementation for traditional building energy improvement

  • Authors: D'Amore, Andrea; Campisi, Tiziana; Saeli, Manfredi
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


The so-called third industrial revolution was born with the development of information systems and computers, within the framework of the digital age, and is characterized by a continuous increase in automation and speed of processes also thanks to ICT technologies (technologies of information and communication) and electronics. Having that in mind, this paper is aimed at analyzing the state of the art of the present professional progresses in engineering and architecture thanks to the use of advanced information systems such as BIM and H-BIM. The implementation of the architectural design, complementary and in synergy with the engineering one, has recently forced professionals and public institution around the world to use such informatic platform to gain a complete interconnection between all the involved processes. By means of an analysis of the present available platform features, this paper will show how novel performing technologies could be easily proposed and engaged in light of the most recent regulations on energy efficiency improvements, in light of the circular economy approach, the European Green Deal, and the Agenda 2030. Examples of realized architectural systems and buildings will validate such procedures opportunely used for the design and construction of 360°-performing executions where nothing is left to chance but everything is micrometrically predicted and interconnected.