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Percorsi virtuosi di uso del territorio. Il caso studio della città di Agrigento


The historical period we are living leads to a serious reflection on future programmatic lines of planning. The use of classical planning is insufficient with respect to the needs of citizens. It is necessary to undertake really effective paths, to finalize the limited economic resources towards shared and useful projects - to know how to listen to the desiree of citizens, especially those related to places. Our attention is turned to Agrigento city, where the almost twenty-year recourse to some attempts at participatory planning, even in strategic planning, is as appreciable as it is objectively sterile, inadequate to address issues of utmost importance. The survey we propose returns the results of a research conducted following the participation in the tables of the Strategic Plan of the city and proposes to update and improve participatory theory and practice as an innovative approach to address the unprecedented scenarios of social, cultural and political conflict