Radiomics in Gynaecological Imaging: A State-of-the-Art Review
- Authors: Franco P.N.; Vernuccio F.; Maino C.; Cannella R.; Otero-Garcia M.; Ippolito D.
- Publication year: 2023
- Type: Articolo in rivista
- OA Link:
Radiomics is an emerging field of research based on extracting mathematical descriptive features from medical images with the aim of improving diagnostic performance and providing increasing support to clinical decisions. In recent years, a number of studies have been published regarding different possible applications of radiomics in gynaecological imaging. Many fields have been explored, such as tumour diagnosis and staging, differentiation of histological subtypes, assessment of distant metastases, prediction of response to therapy, recurrence, and patients’ outcome. However, several studies are not robust, do not include validation cohorts, or lack reproducibility. On these bases, the purpose of this narrative review is to provide an overview of the most relevant studies in the literature on radiomics in gynaecological imaging. We focused on gynaecological malignancies, particularly endometrial, cervical, mesenchymal, and ovarian malignant pathologies.