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Optimizing liver division technique for procuring left lateral segment grafts - new anatomical insights

  • Authors: Carollo, Vincenzo; Cannella, Roberto; Sparacia, Gianvincenzo; Mamone, Giuseppe; Caruso, Settimo; Cannataci, Christine; Gentile, Giovanni; Gallo, Giuseppe Salvatore; Di Piazza, Ambra; di Francesco, Fabrizio; de Ville de Goyet, Jean
  • Publication year: 2021
  • Type: Nota o commento
  • OA Link:


Left liver lobe (left lateral segment) grafts (LLG) is currently the most commonly used graft to transplant children (2/3 of cases currently in Europe); it is prepared by liver division (DL) in both living (LD) and deceased donors (DD) settings. Technically speaking, classical DL is through the parenchyma of segment IV - dividing the main left glissonean pedicle left to the main biliary confluence (trans-hilar (TH) approach): historically, this technique was introduced by Bismuth and Pichlmayr in 1988 in DD setting, and applied one year later for the first successful living donor transplantations by Strong (Figure 1).