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What shapes tax morality in younger generations? A comparative analysis between Gen Y and Gen Z


This study examines tax morality in two youth cohorts, Gen Y and Gen Z, using World ValuesSurvey data from 64 countries (7th wave 2017–2022). Despite numerous studies investigating ethical values around the world, the intricate dynamics shaping tax morality across younger generations remain less clear. Significant differences in factors influenc-ing tax morality are observed between the two generations, including gender, educational level, and religiosity. Results also indicate that traditional forms of trust, such as that in public institutions, predict tax morality, but only in individ-uals belonging to Gen Y. The research adds further knowl-edge to existing studies on tax morality among individuals, focusing on a specific subgroup composed of contemporary youth. Policymakers can leverage these insights to promote ethical values among future generations of taxpayers.