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The Energy System of Sicilian Region, Italy: 2014 situation and evolutionary trends


The development of reliable energy scenarios are become increasingly more important and crucial due to scientific interest but also because it is essential for the deployment of effective energy policies in the territory. The depletion of Fossil Fuels and the need for the most industrialized countries to achieve the target of a sustainable development have induced important national, European and global initiatives. These actions have led to major changes on each energy system of countries and regions, contributing to the evolution of new local energy systems. In this paper, the Authors have collected, processed and analyzed the data concerning the evolution and changes of the Sicilian energy system due to the development of the renewable energy plants in the last years. The study carried out a deep analysis of data concerning each energy carriers, collecting information issued by institutional key players, elaborating the data and reorganizing them in a more useful and organic form. The results permit to obtain an accurate and detailed description of the Sicilian Energy System and the potential of the renewable energy sources; where the data have allowed to make the appropriate processing, it was possible to estimate the effects of last Climate Policy rules.