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The new building regulation plan schema in the town of Castelbuono (Sicily): the experience of FACTOR20- LIFE+ project


The LIFE+ Programme is the European Union’s funding instrument for the environment. The general objective of LIFE+ is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental policy and legislation by co-financing pilot or demonstration projects with European added value. In the framework of LIFE+, the project “Forwarding demonstrative ACTions On a Regional and local scale (FACTOR20) to reach EU targets of the European Plan 20/20/20” was founded by European Commission. FACTOR20 is aimed to define a set of tools to support the planning of regional and national policies for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and for the reduction of energy consumption. The knowledge of the existing building allow to quantify energy consumption of an urban area and to highlight what are the main energy problems on which to intervene. One of these tools is the definition of a new building regulation schema that identifies the best practices to improve the energy efficiency, to reduce the GHG emissions and to promote the use of RES. The authors, in order to assess the applicability and the effectiveness of some key actions proposed in the new building regulation plan schema, have performed a detailed dynamic analysis of energy consumptions related to typical building structures strongly representative of Sicilian context. The simulations, carried out by using TRNSYS17, have permitted to assess the actual energy consumptions and then to compare the new energy performances induced by the application of some key retrofit actions. In this way it was possible to identify which retrofit action is more convenient from the point of view of energy and environmental; also the designer have an indication to the designer on the priorities of retrofit actions.