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Flexural Behavior of Glass Beams with T and i Shape Cross Sections


Glass beams having T or I cross sections can be obtained as glass panels or laminated glass (LG) panels assembled with polymer adhesives of different types, such as semirigid (silicones, modified silicones, and polyurethanes) and rigid (epoxy resins, acrylic). Beams can be used mainly as members of transparent roof or floor structures, and as stiffening fins for large-area glass facades. The glued joints between panels constituting the web and flanges of a cross section, created using semirigid polymer adhesive, are the key element of the composite structures, assigning a load-carrying capacity. This paper focuses on the choice of the type of adhesive and of the shape and dimensions of the transverse cross section of glass beams for structural applications. An analytical model is presented for a preliminary design of composite glass beams. The model, able to predict the load-deflection response of the beam, includes limit states due to tensile strength of the glass and glue shear failure. Experimental data given in the literature are utilized to show the effectiveness of the analytical model to reproduce experimental results.