The new drift chamber of the MEG II experiment
- Authors: Chiappini M.; Baldini A.M.; Cavoto G.; Cei F.; Chiarello G.; Francesconi M.; Galli L.; Grancagnolo F.; Grassi M.; Hildebrandt M.; Nicolo D.; Panareo M.; Papa A.; Raffaelli F.; Renga F.; Signorelli G.; Tassielli G.F.; Voena C.
- Publication year: 2019
- Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista
- OA Link:
This article presents the MEG II Cylindrical Drift CHamber (CDCH), a key detector for the phase 2 of MEG, which aims at reaching a sensitivity level of the order of 6×10−14 for the charged Lepton Flavour Violating μ+→e+γ decay (Calibbi and Signorelli, 2018; Cei and Nicolò, 2014). CDCH is designed to overcome the limitations of the MEG e+ tracker (Baldini et al., 2013) and guarantee the proper operation at high rates with long-term detector stability. CDCH is a low-mass unique volume detector with high granularity: 9 layers of 192 drift cells, few mm wide, defined by ≈12000 wires in a stereo configuration for longitudinal hit localization. The total radiation length is 1.5×10−3X0, thus minimizing the Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS) contribution and allowing for a single-hit resolution of 110μm (Baldini et al., 2016) and a momentum resolution of 130 keV/c. CDCH integration into the MEG II experimental apparatus (Baldini et al., 2018) will start in this year.