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Particle identification with the cluster counting technique for the IDEA drift chamber

  • Authors: Caputo C.; Chiarello G.; Corvaglia A.; Cuna F.; D'Anzi B.; De Filippis N.; Elmetenawee W.; Gorini E.; Grancagnolo F.; Greco M.; Gribanov S.; Johnson K.; Maggi M.; Miccoli A.; Panareo M.; Popov A.; Primavera M.; Taliercio A.; Tassielli G.F.; Ventura A.; Xin S.
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista
  • OA Link:


IDEA (Innovative Detector for an Electron–positron Accelerator) is a general-purpose detector concept, designed to study electron–positron collisions in a wide energy range in a very large circular leptonic collider. Its drift chamber is designed to provide an efficient tracking, a high precision momentum measurement and an excellent particle identification by exploiting the application of the cluster counting technique. To investigate the potential of the cluster counting techniques on physics events, a simulation of the ionization cluster generation is needed, therefore we developed an algorithm which can use the energy deposit information provided by the Geant4 toolkit to reproduce, in a fast and convenient way, the cluster number and cluster size distributions. The results obtained confirm that the cluster counting technique allows to reach a resolution two times better than the traditional dE/dx method. A beam test has been performed during November 2021 at CERN on the H8 beam line to validate the simulations results, to define the limiting effects for a fully efficient cluster counting and to count the number of electron clusters released by an ionizing track at a fixed βγ as a function of the track angle. The simulation and the beam test results will be described briefly in this issue.