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A new assembly technique of full stereo Drift Chamber for high energy physics experiments

  • Autori: Chiarello G.; Chiri C.; Corvaglia A.; Grancagnolo F.; Miccoli A.; Panareo M.; Pepino A.; Pinto C.; Primiceri P.; Spedicato M.; Tassielli G.F.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2015
  • Tipologia: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


Modern High Energy Physics experiments for the search of extremely rare processes require high resolutions (order of 50-200 keV/c) tracking systems for particle momenta in the range of 50-300 MeV/c, dominated by multiple scattering contributions. We will describe a newly developed construction technique for ultra-low mass, high granularity Drift Chambers fulfilling this goal. These techniques have been successfully implemented at INFN-Lecce and University of Salento and are currently being used for the construction of the Drift Chamber of the MEG upgrade experiment.