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Laboratory of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)


In this laboratory activity, the X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy technique is introduced. The goal of the laboratory is to show to the students the theory and the applications of the above technique in the field of underwater archaeology. After a brief introduction about the theory and the instrumentations, some case studies are showed. The students thus see the practice application of the portable XRF Tracer III SD Bruker AXS spectrometer having a Rhodium tube as an X-ray generator and a silicon drift XFlash ® with Peltier cooling system as a detector to some finds saved at the Museo Archeologico Antiquarium ex Stabilimento Florio delle tonnare di Favignana e Formica. The identification of the characteristic peaks of an element is carried out using the database contained in the ARTAX 8 software. In detail, the analysis of metals and alloys and their patina is showed and results are commented and discussed together with the participants of the School. Some consideration about the advantage and the disvantage of the technique are done.