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Carbamazepine, cadmium chloride and polybrominated diphenyl ether-47, synergistically modulate the expression of antioxidants and cell cycle biomarkers, in the marine fish cell line SAF-1


A wide range of contaminants, industrial by-products, plastics, and pharmaceutics belonging to various categories, have been found in sea water. Although these compounds are detected at concentrations that might be considered as sub-lethal, under certain conditions they could act synergistically producing unexpected effects in term of toxicity or perturbation of biochemical markers leading to standard pathway. In this study, the Sparus aurata fibroblast cell line SAF-1, was exposed to increasing concentrations of carbamazepine (CBZ), polybrominated diphenyl ether 47 (BDE-47) and cadmium chloride (CdCl2) until 72 h, to evaluate the cytotoxicity and the expression of genes related to antioxidant defense, cell cycle and energetic balance. In general, both vitality and gene expression were affected by the exposure to the different toxicants, in terms of antioxidant defense and cell cycle control, showing the most significant effects in cells exposed to the mixture of the three compounds, respect to the single compounds separately. The synergic effect of the compounds on the analyzed biomarkers, underlie the potential negative impact of the contaminants on health of marine organisms.