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On-field demonstration of distributed generation and storage systems monitoring and control in small Islands power systems

  • Authors: Artale, Giovanni; Cataliotti, Antonio; Cosentino, Valentina; Di Cara, Dario; Ditta, Vito; Guaiana, Salvatore; Panzavecchia, Nicola; Tinè, Giovanni
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


This work summarizes the final results of the I-SOLE project (“Smart grids per le Isole Minori”, co-financed by European Union under the framework of PO FESR Sicilia 2014-2020, Action 1.1.5,, which has been aimed at developing innovative solutions and devices for distributed generation and storage systems integration in small Islands power grids. For such networks, the increase of energy production from renewable sources is a strategic theme for the sustainability and energy independence goals; at the same time, it entails specific problems concerning the robustness of the distribution grids against instability, power flows inversions and other power quality (PQ) problems. The I-SOLE project partnership has involved the University of Palermo, two research institutes of the National Research Council (Institute of Marine Engineering and Advanced Energy Technology Institute) and five industrial partners (Layer Electronics Srl – project leader; STMicroelectronics; SEA – Società Elettrica di Favignana SpA; SOPES Srl – Ustica desalination plant management company; Elettromeccanica Mangano Sas). The on-field demonstrators on the Islands of Favignana, Ustica and Lipari have provided the opportunity to test different architectures of distributed measurement systems and new devices and equipment prototypes, allowing the industrial partners to develop new products for smart grids applications.