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Mathematical Modelling of Corleone (Italy) Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant for Estimating the Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Sensitivity Analysis

  • Authors: Gulhan, Hazal; Cosenza, Alida; Mannina, Giorgio
  • Publication year: 2024
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


This study summarises the sensitivity analysis results using a novel mathematical model. The mathematical model already published represents the modification of the activated sludge model no. 1 (ASM1) in view of including the nitrous oxide (N2O) emission (namely ASM1 + N2O model). The ASM1 + N2O model was applied to a full-scale wastewater treatment plant in Corleone (Italy). Sensitivity analysis was performed by applying a local approach. In view of comparing results obtained for the model outputs taken into account (mixed liquor suspended solids - MLSS, effluent total COD, and effluent NH4-N - SNH concentrations) a normalised sensitivity index (SI) was assessed. Calculated normalised SI for model outputs highlight specific influential parameters, notably YH, fp, µH, bH, and those related to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOBs). For the MLSS model output, only two model parameters were found influential, but 8 significant model parameters (4 for each) were identified for effluent total COD and SNH concentrations. This study provides insights for a more efficient calibration process, laying the groundwork for future research on the ASM1 + N2O model