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Values, cities and migrations. Real estate market and social system in a multi-cultural city

  • Authors: Napoli, Grazia; Mondini, Giulio; Oppio, Alessandra; Rosato, Paolo; Barbaro, Simona;
  • Publication year: 2023
  • Type: Curatela
  • OA Link:


The book consists of seventeen papers in two parts. The first part, “Values and Relationship Systems in Multicultural Societies”, features how social sciences––including appraisal and valuation, urban planning, philosophy, psychology, and geography––take different approaches to studying values and relationships, converging to form a unified mosaic of complementary and interconnected knowledge. The second part, “Transformations, Permeability and Permanence of Values in Contemporary Multicultural Cities”, highlights the most crucial topics on which appraisals and models focus to interpret and represent the influence of migration on the real estate market in different urban and territorial contexts, from historical centers, small towns, to tourist cities, also taking into account sustainability, maintenance and regeneration of cities.