Relazioni tra geomorfologia, processi post-deposizionali e visibilità del suolo nella lettura dei dati di prospezione archeologica
- Publication year: 2005
- Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
- OA Link:
This paper takes into examination two different districts of the vast area investigated by the archaeological survey of the hinterland of the Greek colony of Himera: the coastal area between the northern Imera and Roccella rivers and the hilly watershed zone located between the northern Imera, southern Imera and Platani rivers. The study examines the relationship between geomorphology, post-depositional processes and visibility of the ground and their impact on the interpration of data collected during the archaeological survey and, consequently, on the historical reconstruction of the population of the territory from Prehistory to the Middle Ages. Three aspects have been taken into consideration: a)the impact of geomorphology on the recognition of archaeological traces; b) the relationship betwween geomorphology and archaeological finds; c) the role of geomorphological and/or of the human factors in the selection of areas to be settled. It is shown that the geomorphological context assumes a major role in the selection of areas of settlement, while the visibility of the ground and/or the post-depositional processes usually are not determining factors for the discovery of a site, but seem to affect more their legibility and interpretation.