2016 Antiaging Medicine
- Authors: Dominguez RodrÃguez, L.J.; Barbagallo, M.
- Publication year: 2016
- Type: Capitolo o Saggio (Capitolo o saggio)
- OA Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10447/351936
• The factors best demonstrated to delay aging are fruit and vegetables, exercise, not smoking, drinking one or two glasses of alcohol daily, and fish consumption. • Vitamin D replacement, in persons with low 25[OH] vitamin D levels, decreases hip fractures, improves muscle strength, enhances function, and decreases mortality. • Antiaging medicine has been hijacked by charlatans who promote unproven or dangerous remedies to a naïve aging public. • Too often animal studies that produce longevity are directly ap-plied to humans before appropriate clinical trials have been carried out. • There is no evidence that hormones or megadoses of vitamins prolong life. • Numerous products of varying quality are available to slow -photoaging and remove skin blemishes.