La “circoscritta (e puntellata) area” di incostituzionalità dell’art. 580 c.p. fra self-restraint della Corte costituzionale e perdurante inerzia del legislatore
- Authors: Bucalo Maria Esmeralda
- Publication year: 2020
- Type: Articolo in rivista
- OA Link:
With the decision on the “Cappato case” the Constitutional Court did not create the right to medically assisted suicide, which, moreover, the constitutional order does not contemplate, but only identified a “circumscribed area” of unconstitutionality of art. 580 of the Italian Criminal Code, supporting it with regulatory and procedural props. In this way, the Court demonstrated its self-restraint respectful of Parliament’s discretion and underlined the persistence of the need for legislative intervention in such a sensitive matter.