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Hellinger-Reissner variational principle for stress gradient elastic bodies with embedded coherent interfaces

  • Authors: Borino, G.; Parrinello, F.; Polizzotto, C.
  • Publication year: 2017
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


An Hellinger-Reissner (H-R) variational principle is proposed for stress gradient elasticity material models. Stress gradient elasticity is an emerging branch of non-simple constitutive elastic models where the infinitesimal strain tensor is linearly related to the Cauchy stress tensor and to its Laplacian. The H-R principle here proposed is particularized for a solid composed by several sub-domains connected by coherent interfaces, that is interfaces across the which both displacement and traction vectors are continuous. In view of possible stress-based finite element applications, a reduced form of the H-R principle is also proposed in which the field linear momentum balance equations are satisfied a-priori, the continuity condition of the displacements across the interfaces is relaxed and the analogous continuity condition of the traction is enforced as a side condition.