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Osservazioni fitosociologiche su aspetti di vegetazione a Quercus ilex di Monte Sparagio (Trapani)

  • Authors: Maniscalco, M; Bazan, G
  • Publication year: 2010
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • Key words: Mediterranean vegetation, Phytosociology, Coastal Mounts, Sicily
  • OA Link:


Phytosociological observation on some aspect of Quercus ilex vegetation located on the Monte Sparagio (Trapani- N-NW Sicily) – The study of some Quercus ilex residual formations occurring on the Monte Sparagio in the Trapani district (NW Sicily) is presented here. These formations testify that in the past thermophilous Quercus ilex woods were widespread along the littoral mountains facing to Tyrrhenian sea. They are assigned to the Rhamno alaterni-Quercetum ilicis pistacietosum terebinthi.