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Riuso e rigenerazione del patrimonio edilizio e dello spazio pubblico delle aree interne nell’era post Covid-19


The contraction of relational public space in favor of private one was one of the consequences due to the Covid-19 containment, which generated deep changes on lifestyles. This situation leads not only to reformulate public policies on housing and services provision, but also to reconsider the territorial rebalancing between urban systems densely inhabited and internal areas of the country in demographic decline as a precondition of prevention contagion. Particularly, attention will be paid to a southern internal area where population density is low, high-unused housing stock is available and environmental standards are higher. The objective is to build a methodological proposal for supporting municipalities’ repopulation policies in inland areas, taking into account contagion prevention. Reasoning about integrated forms of social housing spread throughout the historical fabric and the adequate services provision can provide an effective solution, with particular regard to the most vulnerable social categories, which are most exposed to pandemics risks.