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Fluid-structure interaction analysis of the thromboembolic risk in the left atrial appendage under atrial fibrillation: Effect of hemodynamics and morphological features

  • Authors: Musotto G.; Monteleone A.; Vella D.; Zuccarello B.; Cannova R.; Cook A.; Bosi G.M.; Burriesci G.
  • Publication year: 2024
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


Background: Complications of atrial fibrillation (AF) include ischemic events originating within the left atrial appendage (LAA), a protrusion of the left atrium with variable morphological characteristics. The role of the patient specific morphology and pathological haemodynamics on the risk of ischemia remains unclear. Methods: This work performs a comparative assessment of the hemodynamic parameters among patient-specific LAA morphologies through fluid-structure interaction computational analyses. Three LAA models per each of the four commons patient-specific morphological families (chicken wing, cactus, windsock, and cauliflower) were analysed. Mechanical properties of the tissue were based on experimental uniaxial tests on a young pig's heart. Boundary conditions were imposed based on clinical assessments of filling and emptying volumes. Sinus rhythm and atrial fibrillation operative conditions were simulated and analysed. Results: For each model, the effect of morphological and functional parameters, such as the number of trabeculae and LAA stroke volume, over the hemodynamics established into the appendage was analysed. Comparison between results obtained in healthy and diseased conditions suggested the introduction of a new parameter to quantify the risk of thrombosis, here called blood stasis factor (BSF). This is defined as the LAA surface area which permanently experiences levels of shear strain rate inferior to a threshold value, set to 5 s-1 (BSF5). Conclusions: This work suggests that the current morphological classification is unsuitable to evaluate the probability of thrombus formation. However, hemodynamic parameters easy to determine from clinical examinations, such as normalised stroke volume, LAA orifice flow rate and presence of extensive trabeculations can identify departures from healthy hemodynamics in AF and support a more systematic stratification of the thromboembolic risk.